Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I was talking to Denise the other day and she actually brought up those stupid metal things from inside the magnetic barcode thingies and how they cut up your hand and you don't realize it until later. I think you have to understand that this is a friend who would also join me in slamming our hands together so hard that bruises would form and the pain would last for days. Oh the memories!

Also - yesterday Tricksy and I learned a new trick... I guess it just A trick considering she doesn't know any others. She is a very whiny and clingy cat when I'm annoyed with her. When she's been good I prefer to call her "talkative" and "affectionate". Yesterday I would say she was better than most days - she didn't break anything. She has this habit of standing on things next to you (chair, couch, table, desk, etc) and reaching her paws upward and stretching as far as she can in an effort to get you to notice her, pick her up, and pet her until she gets sleepy or distracted. So yesterday she did this and I took a step back. She held her paw out into the air like she was trying to reach me - but there was no way she could. So I faced her and said "Jump, Tricksy" and she did. ha ha ha. It was the cutest thing she's ever done. I got her to do it two other times throughout the day. I'll have to make sure to do this often so she gets used to it.

For those who worry this could cause another injury - no need to be concerned. She's a pretty slim kitty and she has no front claws. So it's pretty much 100% cute.

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